
At Kingsland  Primary School, we follow the Birmingham Local Authority criteria for admission to our Reception classes. 

If we are oversubscribed, the following criteria is applied in this order: 

1. Children in Public Care (looked after children)

2. Children who have an older sibling already in attendance at the school when the application is made and who will be attending the school at the proposed admission date.

3. Children for whom a place at the school is essential on medical or social grounds and is supported in writing by a medical practitioner or a social worker.

4. Distance will be measured in a straight line from the centre point of the home address to the centre point of the school address with those living closer to the school receiving the higher priority.

Whilst admissions to the school reception classes should be made through Birmingham City Council, admissions for the Kingsland Nursery should be made directly to school. We will allocate places following the same guidelines as the Birmingham Council criteria, with being found below.

Please contact us if you require more details about the above criteria or click this  link  for more information on the Local Authority arrangements and for dates for applications.